
Sunday Morning, March 7

Join Us!

Today we jump into our final “Echo”…Power. Is it fair to say that we all crave power, and that it’s part of our Godly design to long for power?

Something about that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? But is the disconnect due to our human design, or because of our misunderstanding of power itself?

Thankfully, the gospel provides an answer to this all important dimension of human flourishing. Join us today and engage the conversation!

Peace to you all this morning!

(The button on the right should bring you directly to our Youtube page).

See you soon!



Sunday Morning, February 28

Livestream This Morning

Is there anything more sacred to us Americans than freedom? We actually send our children to die for this national virtue!

But do we really know what it means? Are we even partially aware of what it takes to truly achieve it? Join us this morning as we probe into this important echo that our culture holds so dear…but thinks upon so shallowly.

And also - we will rollout our in-person Sunday startup plans!!

Peace to you all this morning!

(The button on the right should bring you directly to our Youtube page).

See you soon!



Sunday Morning, February 21

Join Us Live!

Good Morning! This morning we look at our fifth echo: Truth.

Do you believe that we - as human beings - crave truth in the depths of our being? What do we even mean by truth? It’s an age old question…at least as old as Pilot asking Jesus the same question. Join us this morning as Josh Evers leads us into a conversation around this intriguing echo of God’s voice that we find calling out from our souls.

(The button on the right should bring you directly to our Youtube page).

See you this morning!



Sunday Morning, February 14

Join Us Live!

Good Morning! This morning we look at our fourth echo: Beauty.

We’ll join People magazine in declaring the most beautiful person of the year. Just kidding of course…because it’s a completely subjective conversation…or is it?

What is true beauty and in what ways can we describe Jesus and his gospel message not just as truth…but as beautiful? Join us this morning at 10:00.

(The button on the right should bring you directly to our Youtube page).

See you this morning!



Sunday Morning, January 31

Good Morning!

We believe that God has left his voice in the very fabric of his creation. Whether or not we believe in God or call ourselves "Christian", his voice resonates throughout our longings and desires. We call these longings "echoes" of our creator's voice.

This morning we engage our second "echo" Of course, we all know that "Jesus loves us". The challenge is to make this idea fresh to our ears...with all the power-packed meaning it truly entails. We need to be reminded of what it means that Jesus “pitched his tent among us”.

So, once again, gather your communion elements and join us this morning! We are happy to have you with us.



Sunday Morning, January 24

Good Morning!

We believe that God has left his voice in the very fabric of his creation. Whether or not we believe in God or call ourselves "Christian", his voice resonates throughout our longings and desires. We call these longings "echoes" of our creator's voice.

This Sunday we begin discussing our first Echo: Justice. This isn't an easy conversation these days...partly because it's so current and mainstream. As Dallas Willard says, "Overfamiliarity breeds unfamiliarity which breeds contempt." We have to be careful to keep this conversation fresh and not tired. It's too important to ignore.

Justice is also not periphery to the gospel. "Making things right" and ushering in a world of truth and justice is the very heart of the "Kerygma" (good news). Needless to say, it's an important conversation for the church.

So, once again, gather your communion elements and join us this morning! We are happy to have you with us.



Sunday Morning, January 17

Join Us @10am

Gather your communion elements and join us this morning! We are happy to have you with us.

Peace to you and your family!

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ's glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.”



Sunday Morning, January 10

Livestream Video @10am!

Wednesday, January 6, was Epiphany on the Christian calendar.  Epiphany literally means "revelation" or "sudden insight".  As celebrated in the church, of course, it specifically refers to the revelation that Jesus is both divine and human. 

But the events of January 6, 2021in our nation’s capital probably led to some moments of epiphany around issues related to our country and our public life together. Moments of revelation about who we truly are as a nation "under God".

For many, this Epiphany was deeply troubling.  Sometimes moments of revelation can be troubling.  They almost always call for pause.  True epiphany propels us to honest pondering and communal dialogue.  It's really not a revelation without this side effect! 

There are times for the church to be silent.  And there are times for us to speak directly to our shared circumstances.  Join us as we host an honest conversation around Epiphany in 2021...and the revelations it brought to us - the church. 

Peace to you this morning!




Sunday Morning, January 3

Livestream Video @10am!

Join us this morning. We are happy to bring you our worship gathering and invite you to participate with us! This morning features our final conversation around Beginning Again - Re-member to Have a Plan of Practice. This will be a teaching conversation with Jon and Rustin Smith. We are happy to be with you!

Peace to you this New Year!!



Sunday Morning, December 20

Join Us Live at 10:00am!

This Sunday morning we are continuing our Advent journey of re-membering ourselves.

Two weeks ago we began with the most intimate kind of re-membering - remembering who we are regardless of what we do or think. Remembering that we are God's beloved children destined for an eternity in His great universe.

Last week we expanded the conversation to re-membering who we are because of what we think and hold before our minds.

Join us this week as our friend Rustin Smith teaches us about the next form or re-membering - Re-membering to Live Sacrificially...truly one of the easiest things to forget during seasons of crisis and suffering.

Rustin will be teaching from our church live on this morning at 10am. Join us!



Sunday Morning, December 13

Join Us Live at 10:00am!

Join us live this morning at 10:00am. Today we continue our Advent teaching series: Begin Again.

Last Sunday we spoke of the need to Re-member who we are...outside of anything we do or say. Who we are just by virtue of being created human - in the image of God. Please re-member - you are “an unceasing spiritual being with an eternal destiny in God’s great universe.”

This Sunday we'll look at re-membering who we are by intentionally shaping our thoughts. Join us live this morning as we talk about Re-Membering to keep God before our minds.

Peace to you this morning!



Sunday Morning, December 6

Welcome to Our Livestream!

Join us live this morning at 10:00am. Today we begin our Advent teaching series: Begin Again.

Why is everyone ready for 2020 to end? Silly question, right? It's been a perversely difficult year for everyone...not just some - for everyone (albeit in different ways). Truly, we're all united in feeling a deep need to Begin push the "restart" button, to say together - "better times are ahead!"

The impetus to restart is a no-brainer in 2020. But, truthfully, it is an inclination that's built into all of us. We have a natural bent towards wanting to start over in the hope of better times. We see it outwardly celebrated every year at New Year's Eve parties around the world...even when it's not 2020.

It's part of the natural human reaction to what the Christian church has called "the fall" for centuries. In other words, we're hardwired to recognize the things around us that are fundamentally broken and unhealthy. We're also hardwired to know intuitively that things can be better. Together we dream (consciously or subconsciously) of what could be...if we could only begin again.

The desire to begin again is more than wishful thinking. It's a deeply theological idea rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition. "Go back"..."Return"...and "Remember"...are all amazingly significant commands that contribute to the way of Jesus.



Sunday Morning, November 27

Advent Prayer Walk

The practice of the church keeping an open house for people to come and engage in self-directed prayer dates back to the middle ages. The open house format was instigated, at least in part, by the presence of plagues and deadly contagious diseases. The church tried to think of ways to stay available and present to the local parish, when meeting in mass (literally - Sunday and weekday "masses") was so dangerous and irresponsible.

The idea was to keep the church doors open...allow for people to come and light candles, say guided prayers and liturgy, take communion, and give confession - at their leisure, ensuring adequate personal space (what we today call, "social distance").

At Beggars Table we embrace this timeless practice, especially during our own time of dangerous virus spread. This Sunday morning we are ushering in the Advent season with a prayer walk. We will have an open house from 10-11:30am. You will be guided through prayer stations around the theme of Advent. Come down to the Crossroads and spend some time in guided prayer this Sunday morning. We will keep people appropriately spaced and masks are required.

Peace to you!



Sunday Morning, November 22

Join Us Live

Join us this morning as we come to you live from Beggars Table. Today we are covering our last Saint from our Communion of Saints series: JRR Tolkien. We will begin at 10:00 sharp!

Grab your communion elements. Be sure to watch us on Standard…not HD to avoid buffering issues. See you soon. Peace!



Sunday Morning, November 15

We’re Live-Streaming

We wish we could meet in-person! But our priority during this season is to conduct our life together in a manner most responsible and safe for one another, our city, our country, and our world. In light of the recent COVID spike, we offer you a livestream worship gathering at 10am Sunday Morning. Enjoy and Blessings to you!!



Sunday Morning, November 8

We’re Outside!

It promises to be too beautiful to pass up! The forecast is screaming for us to meet outdoors, so we are listening! We are outdoors in the gravel parking lot at 10am this morning. Bring lawn chairs and communion elements.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!



Sunday Morning, November 1

Join Our Livestream

We’re live this morning! Coming to you from the Crossroads at 10am. Click the image (right) and you should be directed to our Youtube page where you will be able to join us!

Next Sunday we are inviting folks to join us at 10. Please see our In-Person Sign up to physically participate with us next week.

And - we’ll see you in the parking lot at 11:00 for trunk or treating!

Peace to you this morning!!



Sunday Morning, October 25

Welcome to Beggars Table!

We are so glad you are joining us! Please gather your communion elements, join us in song and worship, and engage with our conversation: A Cult of Practice.

The teaching video included in our worship this week is our final video from our teaching series based on what we commonly call “The Sermon on the Mount” - Words to Build a Life On. We have had such fun recording this conversation for you (and us) each week. Please engage, enjoy, and allow it to lead you into further conversation.

Peace to you and your family this morning!
