Livestream Video @10am!

Wednesday, January 6, was Epiphany on the Christian calendar.  Epiphany literally means "revelation" or "sudden insight".  As celebrated in the church, of course, it specifically refers to the revelation that Jesus is both divine and human. 

But the events of January 6, 2021in our nation’s capital probably led to some moments of epiphany around issues related to our country and our public life together. Moments of revelation about who we truly are as a nation "under God".

For many, this Epiphany was deeply troubling.  Sometimes moments of revelation can be troubling.  They almost always call for pause.  True epiphany propels us to honest pondering and communal dialogue.  It's really not a revelation without this side effect! 

There are times for the church to be silent.  And there are times for us to speak directly to our shared circumstances.  Join us as we host an honest conversation around Epiphany in 2021...and the revelations it brought to us - the church. 

Peace to you this morning!

