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Join us live this morning at 10:00am. Today we begin our Advent teaching series: Begin Again.
Why is everyone ready for 2020 to end? Silly question, right? It's been a perversely difficult year for everyone...not just some - for everyone (albeit in different ways). Truly, we're all united in feeling a deep need to Begin Again...to push the "restart" button, to say together - "better times are ahead!"
The impetus to restart is a no-brainer in 2020. But, truthfully, it is an inclination that's built into all of us. We have a natural bent towards wanting to start over in the hope of better times. We see it outwardly celebrated every year at New Year's Eve parties around the world...even when it's not 2020.
It's part of the natural human reaction to what the Christian church has called "the fall" for centuries. In other words, we're hardwired to recognize the things around us that are fundamentally broken and unhealthy. We're also hardwired to know intuitively that things can be better. Together we dream (consciously or subconsciously) of what could be...if we could only begin again.
The desire to begin again is more than wishful thinking. It's a deeply theological idea rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition. "Go back"..."Return"...and "Remember"...are all amazingly significant commands that contribute to the way of Jesus.