Welcome to Our Livestream

Join us this morning for a new teaching series: Blind Spot.

In John 9, Jesus seems to make a distinction between Willful Blindness (the Pharisees) and Accidental Blindness (the blind man). We are a church for the accidentally blind, folks who openly admit that we often don’t know what we don’t know.

In this teaching series, we look specifically at one of our most prominent potential blind spots…Sunday Morning Church.

After a year of not meeting in-person on Sunday mornings (thanks COVID!), we may be a bit more accidentally blind than usual regarding this important weekly event, what it is, and why it matters. Join us as we strive to see Sunday morning gatherings more clearly and remove our accidental blindness.

This will be our last 10:00am Sunday gathering for a while. We are moving to two Sunday gatherings next week. Signup to come out and join us live at 10:30 or 9:00, or join our livestream from home right here.

(The button on the right should bring you directly to our Youtube page).
