
And” seems to be a funny word to sum-up a church, but, in many ways, it sums up ours. We’re trying to shape folks into “yes/and” people rather than “either/or” people.

We resist the urge to define faith in Jesus Christ by drawing lines in the sand. We believe Jesus was about erasing the lines that divide. We experience the gospel of Jesus as generous. We experience life as complex and nuanced. We find that “and” is a helpful word to help us live into the generous, complex, and nuanced way of Jesus.

We hold our faith securely and openly.

We are confident and uncertain.

We speak and listen.

We proclaim truth and acknowledge we don’t know all truth.

We know and want to learn.

We love the Bible and all the ways God speaks to us.

We are who we are and we change.

We love the beach and the mountains.

Beggars Table no doubt wants to help folks believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But, just as importantly, we want to help folks see through the lens of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We don’t just want the world to see Jesus. We want to see the world through Jesus.