In John 9, Jesus seems to make a distinction between Willful Blindness (the Pharisees) and Accidental Blindness (the blind man). We are a church for the accidentally blind, folks who openly admit that we often don’t know what we don’t know.⠀
In this teaching series, we look specifically at one of our most prominent potential blind spots…Sunday Morning Church.
After a year of not meeting in-person on Sunday mornings (thanks COVID!), we may be a bit more accidentally blind than usual regarding this important weekly event, what it is, and why it matters. Join us as we strive to see Sunday morning gatherings more clearly and remove our accidental blindness.
Wednesday, January 6, was Epiphany on the Christian calendar. Epiphany literally means "revelation" or "sudden insight". As celebrated in the church, of course, it specifically refers to the revelation that Jesus is both divine and human.
But the events of January 6, 2021in our nation's capital probably led to some moments of epiphany around issues related to our country and our public life together. Moments of revelation about who we truly are as a nation "under God".
For many, this Epiphany was deeply troubling. Sometimes moments of revelation can be troubling. They almost always call for pause. True epiphany propels us to honest pondering and communal dialogue. It's really not a revelation without this side effect!
There are times for the church to be silent. And there are times for us to speak directly to our shared circumstances. Join us as we host an honest conversation around Epiphany in 2021...and the revelations it brought to us - the church.
What does it mean for us when our old ideas and pictures of God no longer work? When we experience doubts and seemingly unanswerable questions? Is our only option Agnosticism? We offer another option - and invitation - that’s so often not discussed in the church. It’s the option (and invitation) to reimagine God…and reimagine our faith. Together we explore how re-imagination is not only an option, but a healthy season of maturing faith by examining, of all things…the Bible. Join us as we look at the Bible itself as a template for deep re-imagination.
“Evangelism” has become a dirty word for some in the Christian church. Too often connected with unauthentic salesmanship and emotional manipulation, many of us have abandoned the idea all together. But, what if we take a step back from what evangelism has become, and attempt to recapture the spirit of proclaiming “good news”? Together we explore what evangelism can look like to three people groups: “Outsiders”, “Insiders” (us), and, finally, to our own children.